I hope you enjoyed the tutorial on DIY beading. It really was an easy one this
time, but I hope to try doing more like it in the near future.
that’s not what today's blog post is about.
have had a very very busy past weekend! I am still recovering from a rather
nasty bout of flu that I recently had, and so am terribly unfit and rather out
of shapes. So getting back into my normal (no such thing really as normal
remember) routine over the last week has been intense and quite a job. But, I
am getting there!
this past weekend has really been working at getting me "back into the
swing of things".
was invited to attend something that I have never attended before, not even
attended anything like it before, on Saturday 05 April. The Durban Bloggers
Meet. I was overwhelmed that the wonderful organizers thought I was worth
inviting! Because let’s get real, I have never really been that influential in
my blogging or social networking. But apparently my recent numerous blog posts
(including the one on "Things I Learnt in Isipingo") as well as my
Twitter account (@daisytazz) have been attracting some attention! So there you
have it people, I'm famous!
alright, I'm not that famous; I just have a really loud mouth and like to speak
my mind. If people don’t listen, I have a terrible habit, although apparently
for this sort of thing it’s a brilliant habit, of getting louder and
canonball-ing my opinion into the stratosphere of social media.
why is there such a thing as a Blogger Meet? Who goes? What Happens there?
is it?
simply put, the popular (most followed, most often hit blogs etc) bloggers
& tweeters, pinterest and instagram users are what are nowadays known as
"Social Media Influencers". They are the people that the masses of
humanity look to for guidance and advice. Heaven know why, we're not all that
special or fabulous; we're just other human beings. But because we choose to
voice our opinions in a way that others notice, they seem to look to us and say
"Hey, let’s follow that guys/girl's ideas".
in the 80's & 90's companies would advertise on billboards and in
newspapers, yellow pages and door to door salesmen, via word of mouth and
handbills. However in 2014 those are not the best advertising mediums.
this for yourself - how many times in the last week did you look in a newspaper
or the yellow pages for a company, service or product you were looking for? Now
how many times did you google & twoogle a product, service, or company in
the last week?
just it, nobody looks in the yellow pages for restaurants anymore, they google
it. They look at references and reviews on blogs & twitter rather than in
the newspaper. For my parents' Horse Riding on the Beach Company, we regularly
ask clients how they heard of us, they heard of us on the net, mostly by
googling "Adventure in Durban" or "Horse Riding Durban".
it makes sense to advertize on the Internet. A blogger meet gives companies an
opportunity to sponsor a prize or a gift of sorts to the blogger meet and then
for the bloggers to review the prize or gift online. It also gives the bloggers
an opportunity to network socially and for work.
blogger meet had 25 ladies who are bloggers in the KZN/Durban area. These
ladies are from all walks of life, various races and area they live in. From
fitness fanatics to foodies, from opinionated bloggers (like me) to beauty
bloggers. All of these ladies had an opportunity to attend the Durban Blogger
happens there?
I arrived a little late (fashionably?). But pretty much it was hosted at the
AMAZING Hashtag Restuarant. On arrival we each had a little Zomato goodie bag
with Cooee can drinks on our table spot, as well as Blink mints & Pens and
Cupcakes from the Bake Shop waiting for us.
were a number of speakers who gave presentations on their products, like the
Fry Guy from Fry's Vegan products,
and the Lenovo Lady from Lenovo electronics.
There was also a presentation by the Cat Lady from Kitten Action on how and why
they rescue cats. I must mention while I am on the subject of kittehs, that we
have always had our cats spayed/neutered through Kitten Action and will always
continue to do so.
the presentations there was a prize giving session (names drawn out of a hat),
the wonderful organizers arranged that every single lady was sure to receive a
gift/prize. I got a hamper from Little Mud Hut designs to the value of R220.
we all ordered lunch, which was generously sponsored by Hashtag restaurant.
Might I add here that Hashtag gives you an iPad to order your food on?!?! Cool
And we got to mingle a bit with the other bloggers. I'll be honest,
I'm not a stuck up person by any means, but I was tired as all hell on Saturday
and thus not the most social being. Plus, this was the first event I've ever
attended where it is NOT rude o be tweeting, whatsapp-ing and generally on your
phone the whole time, so I did my bit of tweeting and the like instead of
majorly socializing. Sorry ladies.
we were brought the biggest Gift bags ever! As one of the attendees stated,
these put the Oscar gift bags to shame! Nearly needed a wheelbarrow to get them
back to my car!
that was the end of the Durban Blogger Meet. But I
now have a few weeks worth of "review" blogging to do. So that will
be a first for me, as I have never done reviews before. But I am excited about
it, with amazing products from companies such as Consol, Cooee, BeautyBox,
Royal Dansk and so on, this is bound to be fun.
After the blogger meet on Saturday, I came home, did a bit of work
on the farm, and then got down to photographing all the stuff from the gift
bag. It filled the whole dining room table!
Sunday I was up at the unearthly hour of 6am, was supposed to be
up actually at 5 but I overslept the 4 alarms. The parentals and I jumped into
Daisy (my car) and I drove 120km (that early on a Sunday morning, it should be
illegal) to volunteer and help with a Kingdom Hall build about 15 minutes
inland of Port Shepston at a tiny town called Murchison. We are on the
concrete/slab throwing team, along with other volunteers of Jehovah's Witnesses
who come from as far as Greytown and PMB to work on building places of worship
for our brothers & sisters in the faith. We always love doing this, and we
also got the opportunity to help somewhat on the fencing team this time around.
![]() |
Concrete & Fencing Team. Murchison KH Build. Me in Green jacket, black peak & sunglasses. |
lunch and all the work was done, we remembered that oribi gorge (one of my
favourite places in the world) was just 10 minutes drive away, so a few of us
decided to swing by there for a bit of fresh air.
spent a little over an hour at the bottom of the gorge, we went boulder hopping
down the main river, climbed some impossibly difficult boulders, and then drove
home after a lovely and tiring weekend.
by Toti to pick up a movie from a good friend of mine and watched the Book Thief
as an end to a busy weekend that welcomed me back into my regular life.
would not highly recommend the Book Thief; it is a sweet movie with a really
nice "human" feel to it. But I've never been one to enjoy
melodramatic style films. I'm a person who wants a happily ever after. This film
has our heroine having a happy ending, but far too many of her loved ones dying
along the way in the grips of the Second World War and its effects on Germany.
Interesting touch at the end where they even do a little unobtrusive marketing
for Apple.
I'm already starting to review stuff.
well that’s all for now folks. I have a ton of stuff to do this week, like
admin for the upcoming long weekend, and spreading invitations for the Memorial
of Christ Jesus' Death (you can find the nearest venue to you on the
"look-up" function on ), and I have a permanently messy
bedroom that severely needs to be tidied up.
for reading my LONG blog today, and please feel free to comment.
you can also find me on twitter @daisytazz