“So there I sat, excited as all hell, and ready to go. My Maiden Voyage, my very first solo road trip! I couldn’t believe it was really happening.”
I loved the feeling of having the freedom to turn down an interesting looking road, and explore without having someone hounding me about the time.

And then of course my one friend and I went Chinese store hopping in Sheppie to try find a fedora hat, which we didn’t find in any Chinese store, but due to my friend’s good fashion sense and knowledge of various clothing stores, we found at a Jet Mart on markdown from R79 to R20, and at the till I got the awesome surprise that it had been marked even more down to only R10. SCORE!!! So now when I am not wearing my wide brimmed white summery beach hat, or my leather cowboy hat, I’m walking around looking like a female version of Neil Caffery from the White Collar series. And that’s from a girl who has always held onto the belief that I am not a hat wearing kind of person.