Truth be told, I honestly believe that there are more benefits to working for yourself than for someone else. Yeah, you might not be getting as much income per month as you would, however the benefits far out-weigh the negatives. So, as is custom of my way of blogging, here comes a list of just 10 the best benefits I find in working for ones-self:
• Generally there is flexi-time, so if your best working hours are 5-10pm, and you like to sleep till 9am, no problem! And as far as holidays and days off are considered, as long as your output is still keeping the bills at bay, you can take the days that you need off.
• You get to choose your clients, if one of them gets stroppy with you, all you have to do is say “Next Please”
• Oh and your customer actually is not always right.
• You are not hard bound to one line of work or field, you can choose to do two totally different jobs as an income, for example plumbing and tourism.
• Commute, you don’t have to drive 45km in peak time traffic, you only need to go as far as you choose to work from your bed, and this might only be a 20 meter stroll. Or depending on exactly what you choose to
do, you might be able to go outside and watch the sunset while working….
• Wardrobe, now along those lines of only being a 20 meter stroll from bed, you can decide to do that stroll in your pajamas’, or in jeans, or (in summer) you bikini, or your office attire. Whatever it is that you feel like wearing and is suitable for the job. Ok, a bikini is not suitable if you are a fridge repairman….
• Independence, depending on how large your clientele is (and what your product/service is) you are generally able to chop and change things to better suit your clientele as the need arises, without first having endless boardroom meetings.
• Office Politics, who’s getting the next promotion, or who might be fired, and cliques, are all a thing of the past when you work for yourself.
• Office rules, the rule where you’re not allowed to date workmates, well that’s out because chances are that your spouse is your workmate when you work for yourself. And no facebook, blogging, or twitter while on duty? Well, as long as you are doing your social networking with the full knowledge that either its going to greatly impact on your output
today and you’ll have to work double time tomorrow, or that you are doing it as a form of advertising. Oh, and you get to decide what music is being played in the office, or wherever you are working.
• There is no set job description. Now for some people, this may sound like hell, but for me, and for any other person who can think for themselves and is not a mindless wage-slave, this is a really exciting prospect, the one day you’ll be doing admin, the next day you are general laborer, and yet the next you are advertising agent. To me, that is really exciting, I cant stand the idea of getting into a rut and doing the same mindless tasks day-in and day-out.
• You get to choose your clients, if one of them gets stroppy with you, all you have to do is say “Next Please”
• Oh and your customer actually is not always right.
• You are not hard bound to one line of work or field, you can choose to do two totally different jobs as an income, for example plumbing and tourism.
• Commute, you don’t have to drive 45km in peak time traffic, you only need to go as far as you choose to work from your bed, and this might only be a 20 meter stroll. Or depending on exactly what you choose to

• Wardrobe, now along those lines of only being a 20 meter stroll from bed, you can decide to do that stroll in your pajamas’, or in jeans, or (in summer) you bikini, or your office attire. Whatever it is that you feel like wearing and is suitable for the job. Ok, a bikini is not suitable if you are a fridge repairman….
• Independence, depending on how large your clientele is (and what your product/service is) you are generally able to chop and change things to better suit your clientele as the need arises, without first having endless boardroom meetings.
• Office Politics, who’s getting the next promotion, or who might be fired, and cliques, are all a thing of the past when you work for yourself.
• Office rules, the rule where you’re not allowed to date workmates, well that’s out because chances are that your spouse is your workmate when you work for yourself. And no facebook, blogging, or twitter while on duty? Well, as long as you are doing your social networking with the full knowledge that either its going to greatly impact on your output

• There is no set job description. Now for some people, this may sound like hell, but for me, and for any other person who can think for themselves and is not a mindless wage-slave, this is a really exciting prospect, the one day you’ll be doing admin, the next day you are general laborer, and yet the next you are advertising agent. To me, that is really exciting, I cant stand the idea of getting into a rut and doing the same mindless tasks day-in and day-out.
So this is part two of the Boss versus Self-Employed blog posts. Coming soon will be my opinion on traditional schools versus home-schooling and further education. Keep your eyes on this space.